My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Dylan Thomas - A Child's Christmas in Wales.

 Having dutifully handed in my homework today, I thought I would do a short posting on this lovely book - A Child's Christmas in Wales - that I had to study for homework last week. It's not the first time I have read it by any means, but to hear it read by our tutor today gave it a whole different perspective.  It is a far better story for being read aloud than it is to read.  Thomas writes in a prose style that highlights the pleasure of words.  It is evocative of Christmas and viewed with great pleasure by me as I was born and brought up in the Welsh valley's.

It brought back so many memories for me and the sentence in italics below are probably my favourite piece of the text, as I can identify with it.

"I can never remember whether it snowed for six nights when I was twelve, or whether it snowed for twelve nights when I was six!"

Well, neither can I remember that kind of detail, but Christmas was always a snowy time (or so it seemed) when I was a girl.  Those were the days when winter was winter not these muggy, watery, sunny, mild days we have now at Christmas.  Ahh... nostalgia!

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