My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Sunday 3 October 2010

What a difference a day makes!

Sunshine ... at last!
Saturday was fine and sunny, just what the doctor ordered for all of us after all the rain this week, particularly for the Ryder Cup team and it's organisers. People locally have been saying why did the organisers choose the month of October when it is traditionally a rainy month?  Well, I don't know, but is October traditionally rainy?  I was married in mid October (some year ago) and it was glorious. I don't think that necessarily follows. So, what happens when this match is played in Scotland in four years time?  I am sure the weather there will give a few problems as they usually have tougher seasons than us in the South!

However, that was yesterday.  Today rain stopped play - as they say. I went out to get a paper earlier and I have to admit there were some severe water laying on the roads, but I didn't hear this downpour during the night! I really hope it clears for later. This is a huge disappointment for all concerned.

Anyway, was I bothered about all this yesterday - No!  I went to Cardiff with my friend Anne and we went to this glorious bead shop that she had located on-line.   Crystal and Ice Bead Shop was, for us, like being in a sweet shop!  I spent far too much money, but the choice there is amazing.  They are online:

Any beadaholics out there... this place has a fabulous range. Anne is coming to lunch today and then this afternoon we are have a bean-feast of our own.  We are going to make some stuff to sell and some for Christmas gifts - hopefully.  More about that later...

P.S I have just read that Gleneagles, where the Ryder Cup is to be held in 2014, (and incidentally bid against the Celtic Resort for this year) was also underwater this weekend! It's not just South Wales that is having bad weather!!!

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