My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Wednesday Pottery

Done on the wheel this morning.  I am quite pleased for week 2.

Everyone has a different way of working.  This new pottery tutor suits me, at least he tutors, unlike the previous one, who never showed me a thing! But people are funny.  Some of the 'old school' who are quite set in their ways, will not accept that this guy is different, the he does things in a different way.  At least he gets around us all, and shows us what to do. But because he is young and structures his class differently he is criticised by some. It must be hard for him.

The past is the past I say.  We can't regain it, so lets look forward, move on and make the best of what we  have now.  I have had to apply that to life, so I am sure, with a little effort, it can be achieved in a pottery classroom!

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