My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Made in Dagenham

Two of the cast in 'Made in Dagenham'.
The reviews of this film may be off putting, as it celebrates radical feminists and militant upholstery seamstresses at a Ford's plant in 1968.  They were striking for equal pay to the men at the same plant.  This is a tale of ordinary people and it lifted my heart!

I won't spoil the story line, in case anyone reading this blog hasn't seen it, but this film has pertinent things to say to the modern generation, about standing up for your principles in a dignified way.

'Made in Dagenham' will not rate among the great films of our time, but it's a timely entertaining one, with it's principles firmly in the right place.  Well worth watching.

P.S  Some of the scenes were shot at the old Hoover factory at Merthyr.  Such an easily recognisable landmark, some people obviously knew it was coming up in this film and started to applaud when it came on screen!

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