My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Sunday 3 October 2010

A Beady Afternoon!

Friend Anne working at our cottage industry!

A productive afternoon passed very pleasantly. I have spent so much money on this project I hope that I sell some of my wares to recoup some of that money, if I don't,  it's bye bye beading!!!  We were both very pleased at what we achieved this afternoon, and are looking forward to going to a Bead Fayre next weekend, there should be an amazing selection available.

While we were working ... the weather improved and the 'competition down the road' was surging ahead with Europe in the lead!  Lets hope they can sustain that lead tomorrow, as the competition has been extended.  This is the first time that this has happened in Ryder Cup history, but as I said previously, the weather is unpredictable, particularly in the U.K.  It promises to be an exciting day!

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