My Mother

My Mother
The original Miss Jones.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Proms in the Park

 A Real Old Fashioned Cloudburst
 Caerphilly Castle at Night
One programme that got soaked through inside my handbag!

It seemed a great idea to go to the Proms in the Park, to listen to wonderful music, link up with the Royal Albert Hall at nine thirty and to sing along with the Promenaders. No one could have forecast the deluge that arrived just as we did! My friend and I were soaked through to our underwear.  By the time the organisers called it off for health & Safety reasons (water in the electrics) we were ankle deep in mud too! A disappointing evening, but the atmosphere was good.  The BBC National Orchestra and BBC Chorus of Wales had been there all day rehearsing, so I guess they were as disappointed as the promenaders.  A real Wash out!

Trying to get a refund on the tickets at the moment.  That will ease some of the disappointment!

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