During Holy week our vicar is showing the BBC2 production 'The Passion', first shown at Easter 2007 and not to be confused with Mel Gibson's story of the same title which caused so much controversy in the cinema. This one is being shown in Church over three nights, and discussion invited afterwards, a bit like a Bible Study evening with a film, and it ends tonight. I didn't see it when it was shown on television, but some interesting discussions have arisen and it is fascinating to hear other peoples viewpoints on those times.
This portrayal of Jesus, by Joseph Mawle, is very good in my opinion, but not necessarily so by others watching. The story itself is rooted in the tangled and chaotic world of the city of Jerusalem during Passover week. This production tells the story from three points of view - the religious authorities, the Romans and the Jews.
It is stimulating and thought provoking for this time of year and I would thoroughly recommend anyone to watch it if it is repeated again on television, it puts a human face on Jesus, brings him more in line with modern thinking, someone we could rely on in these troubled times of ours, not a vision in white, well groomed and always perfect. I applaud this production and wish I had seen it the first time around.
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