Today's photographs are of the lovely city of Bruge mentioned in yesterdays blog entry. They are typical of the architecture, well preserved, in this region. There are palaces, Churches, market squares and lovely old town houses all existing side by side in this lovely place. The Groene Rei (the Green Quay) is where tourists board a boat which will give you an inland waterway perspective of this charming city. (see photograph below)

It is because the city is so lovely that I was saddened to experience this, my fifth visit, to the city with some distaste. It has become so commercialised, it is almost unbearable to think back twelve or so years, when it had a magic all of it's own. Now all the eatery's are using the same menu's and everything is served with chips! There was litter being dropped and blowing around the lovely market place and it had a feeling about it that was created just for economy tourism - economy of the most expensive kind, £16 for Flemish stew and chips. Waiters harassing you as you pass by to eat at their place, trying to show you to a table if you stop to examine their menu. I know we are in a recession in Europe, but that is not to be blamed for the lack of individualism and enthusiasm that the Belgians once had for the pride in their lovely city, seemingly lost, in their drive to compete with tourism.
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